Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Little More of Me

Because I apparently have an awful lot to say, I’ve started a new blog.

I love to read. Love it, love it, love it. In case you didn’t get it, I love it. And naturally, I love books. I have hundreds of books and I have bookcases in almost every room in my house. To me a book is not only beautiful, but full of promise. Either a brand new adventure or a fond and familiar place to get lost in.

I was going to do some posts about books here, and then I thought, heck, I will just start a whole new blog, about nothing but books.

Aren’t I full of myself the brave one?!

At any rate, you can find my new book blog at The Shore Bookworm. I plan to focus on books and reading and the impact of both on our lives. I am looking for guest posters, too. If you have something to say about how books are important to you, drop me an e-mail!

Stop by, have a look and be sure to leave comments!!



Da Old Man said...

Congrats on the new blog. I was so worried it was going to be a LOLcats blog.



brokenteepee said...

Congrats on the new blog. I personally am not much of a reader. I would rather eat the books. But the publicist and the male person love to read.

Marie said...

Joe: that's a good idea.

LOL Cats take over the world!!!!! Mmmmwwwhhhaaahhhaaaa!

Pricilla: Well, that is understandable. I hope your publicist and male person will be frequent visitors to my new blog.

Jennifer said...

How cool! I will have to pop over there and check it out!

Kristyn said...

I love books too, and, of course, reading. I'll check out your new blog. Don't feel bad about having so much to say, I have like three... no, four blogs. I have a lot to say too!


The Silver Age Sara said...

Oh, I love books too. They are my lifeline. Can't wait to visit your new blog.

Marie said...

Jennifer: Definitely stop by! And PLEASE chime in. I really want it to be a truly interactive site. That makes it such fun.

Kristyn: I never fail to have too much to say. The family joke is that when I went away to college, there was silence at the dinner table for a month because everyone else had forgotten how to talk. lol

Mountain Woman: Books are my lifeline too. I hope you like what you find there!