We have all seen unreadable schlock out there. But what blows me away is the fact that if you wade through the bad, you will find absolute gems.
One such gem is my friend Marc’s blog Wheelchair Kamikaze. Marc is funny, erudite and a visual artist, as demonstrated by his photography. Marc also has Primary Progressive MS, which has worn him down physically and emotionally. PPMS is a more debilitating and more advanced stage of MS. Through all his challenges, he’s a mensch and I just love him and his wonderful, wonderful wife.
I would strongly urge you to take a peek at Marc’s blog for sheer pleasure. He is witty and poignant and some of his Wheelchair Kamikaze death-defying films are hilarious.

Voting can be done at this link:
If you scroll down you will find the category.
All the nominated weblogs look great, but I do have a few personal favorites.
The Blog That at Manhattan by Dr. Peggy is a fun site that combines both wry and serious observations about food, life in New York City and the practice of medicine. Her recipes are amazing. And, through her posts and comments, she strikes me to be a great doctor.
Musings of a Distractible Mind is a great blog I recently discovered. The author, Dr. Rob, is very, very funny. But he can be serious as well and provides a wealth of information about working with your doctor. I love Dr. Rob! He picked my blog post as his favorite in a recent Grand Rounds. What could be not to love? Sigh.
Unfortunately, Dr. Peggy and Dr. Rob are positioned against each other in the category of Best Medical Weblog. I don’t know how people can decide. They are both awesome.
And finally there is the gentle and sometimes harrowing blog of an Emergency Room physician. His words positively glow off the page when he talks about his family, especially his late mother. It is beautiful. He is also a compassionate physician who displays nothing but respect for his patients, even the most difficult ones. I know he would be thrilled to find StorytellERdoc (he is under best Literary Medical Weblog.) a winner.
Thanks if you vote and thanks any way if you even think about voting. The polls are open until February 14. You don’t have to go anywhere, you can vote right in your pj’s at your computer.
I want to say may the best blog win, but since they are all great that is just too hard. But DO vote for Wheelchair Kamikaze if you can, because he is my dear friend and a brilliant thinker.

Blogging is all about bloggers promoting fellow-bloggers and you did an excellent job here.
The statistics behind the monkeys/typewriter/Shakespeare quote require that the typing be random.
Which explains why there's no Shakespeare on the webz.
I'm going to have to check those out.
thanks for sharing all these. It's always great to find out about good blogs in a new category!
Lawyer Mom: It is so exciting to find a great new blog. What really amazes me is how much good there is out there. All these wonderful voices I would never have heard if it wasn't for the Internet.
Mother: Well, I did say I didn't understand what he even taught. It's like rocket science except about language. And I have a Master's in communication. lol I think you'll like what you read, even if Dr. Peggy for her recipes alone.
Margo: The only problem is keeping up with them all!!! I have found so many great ones and then just don't have time to read them all! BTW, you look mahvelous in those shades dahling.
Thank you ALL for stopping by and commenting. Your blogs are all in my "wonderful" file too!
Thank you, thank you for your shout-out for my blog...and for your kind, too generous words. I LOVE this blogging stuff, and am enjoying meeting such amazing individuals like yourself. Your buddy got my vote! Have a good weekend.
Jim, isn't this the most fun ever?!?! I mean clearly you love your job, it comes through your posts like a beam.
But when you are a writer at heart, this is the best. It is a chance to get your stuff out there and engage with an audience.
It's especially great when people tell you how wonderful you are. lol I love your blog. It's like being back at work (I am a nurse) but I don't have to worry about anything: did I miss a med, a dressing change, a charting, re-positionig a patient, etc., etc., etc. I just get to enjoy the stories. :D
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