There is nothing even remotely interesting going on in my life right now.
It is so hard to get around, I rarely leave the house anymore. That definitely limits my life experiences. And the potential for any good anecdotes.
I have found a new website that I love,
Pinterest. It might not be new to all of you, but it was to me. It is like an online bulletin board where people post virtual pin-ups: beautiful pictures, goofy pictures, funny sayings, sayings that are putrid, decorating ideas, awesome recipes. It’s fun.
Here are some samples:
Beautiful (Italy) -
Goofy -
Funny saying (this one is for my sister) -
Putrid saying -
Decorating idea (dream on) -
Awesome recipe (orange poundcakes) -
Now some people would say this is an Enormous Time Waster. They are wrong. It is actually a GINORMOUS Time Waster. But I say, if you can’t waste your time enjoying beautiful/funny/yummy things, what is the point of life?

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