Just in the past two weeks:
• There was the check that unexpectedly arrived in the mail, a generous, kind and timely gift sent with concern by someone who is very special.
• There was the beautiful bouquet of flowers delivered on Saturday. The card said “Dear Marie, I wish I could give you a big hug but I’m afraid my arms don’t stretch as far as the U.S.” From a dear, warm hearted friend in the U.K.
• There was an opportunity to volunteer and help some out of work people with their resumes, thanks to a networking referral by a thoughtful colleague. It got me out of the house and into the real world for a little while. This was better for me than for the people I coached.
• There was a freelance writing opportunity, again referred by a friend.
• I was evaluated on Monday to determine what kind of new power chair I needed. The price quote was $25,000. My insurance coverage is $2000. I mentioned this sardonically on Facebook, that it was laughable and unachievable. I instantly received a message that a friend was going to make some calls. Her next message was that she knew of someone who would be willing to give me their never used power chair. For nothing; no charge. I mean within minutes of me posting that note. And indeed it was so. A brand new, pristine chair from a lovely woman I have never even met. My son gave up his afternoon to pick it up for me.
There has been no burning bush, no parting of the Red Sea, no turning water into wine (although I would quite like that), but little miracles none the less. Small marvels that have a profound impact on my life, both the quality and the outlook.
Ok, on second thought, maybe the chair was a pretty big one.
Now, I am only related to two of these people and one is by marriage. Yet every one of them went out of their way to make sure I obtained something I needed. Or something I didn’t even realize I needed. And then, when I thanked them, they demurred and indicated I was special to them in some way.
My cousin-in-law is a very, very good man, a savvy, no nonsense business person, but generous and thoughtful. He has been so kind to me. Talking to him the other day he said “Blood is thicker than water.” Incredible irony, as we are not blood relatives. So I believe the saying needs to be revised: Blood flowing through a loving and giving heart is thicker than water. The sweetness of these people is a mystical thing to me. It is not just about my needs. Their caring spirits are healing to all of us in proximity to them. Their goodness and generosity of spirit cannot be contained.
This has not been limited to the past few days, my friends are remarkable year round. And then there are my readers, who also make such a huge difference in my life. I have a list of both a mile long.
My miracle purveyors this week have simple and ordinary names: John, Marylynn, Jane, Phyllis, Louise, Lisa, James. But that simplicity is misleading. They and others like them are the power that drives goodness through this world.