Because they are only people, there is the odd one or two lacking that balance of expertise and warmth. I was sent for pulmonary rehab to see if it
would be helpful. Four of us were
wheeled into a therapy room and pretty much ignored while the therapists
discussed their plans. Finally the Leader
spun around and said, as if she was addressing imbeciles, “Ok, who remembers
what we learned yesterday?” Of course,
ever the wise ass, I started to answer with a grin, “Not me!” (I hadn’t been
there the day before). Before I could get
out two syllables, she said loudly, without even looking at me, “Except you
Mrs. Cooper.”
Well hush my mouth.
She clearly found me irritating and, correspondingly, I
couldn’t wait to get out of there. I won’t be going back. Besides the fact she is the only flat-out surly therapist I have encountered, it
really was redundant to what I was doing in PT.
I have to deal with many tiny aggravations every day. There are big ones, too, including facing the
fact that my health is failing. But
there are highlights that stand out from the past few days, things that seem
minor but actually are huge in the scheme of things as far as making a difference goes. They are small acts of kindness that provide
proof of the goodness of most people. Referring
to them as small seems like a slight, although these ordinary things are often
unnoticed or unseen. But they carry so
much power.
While I was in the first hospital the aide was in the room
taking my vitals at about two in the morning.
A tech ambled by in the hall and she called out to him. He backed up and was clearly pleased to see
her. “Hey girl!” She went into the hall and I watched the two
of them talking and laughing. He was
adorable and funny. When he left, she came back and told me what a sweet guy he was. I
told her how cute he was. A few minutes
later, he strolled by again. “Lamar!”
she called, “My lady here thinks you are cute.”
He shot to attention and put on an exaggerated flirty performance. He danced like Conan O’Brien and made up a
rap song on the spot singing my praises.
The aide and I were in stitches and it really raised my spirits, he was
so young and so sweet. She chased him
away and as he left he gave me the ‘call me’ sign. Too funny.
The first night I was here in rehab, I was literally too weak to
even clean and dress myself. My nurse’s
aide bathed me in bed and changed the bed at the same time, totally matter of
fact and kind. I am used to feeling
mortified and bereft when I am so helpless, but she was so sweet it felt like
an ordinary, everyday thing. And let me
tell you, having someone one third of your age say “Ok, honey bunny!” as she
finishes getting you dressed is in no way condescending. It made my day.
My first roommate was very infirm and uncommunicative. I suppose people thought because she didn’t
say much, she was deaf. Which she wasn’t. But people yelled at her all day long. “Mary (not her real name) eat!!” “Mary swallow!!” “Mary pick your head up!!” “Mary, what is the matter with you?!?!” “Mary, do you want a Xanax?!”
One night, the night shift nurse brought in her meds. She quietly asked Mary how she was. Mary replied, “Not good, I’m very nervous.” Instead of screaming at her did she want a
Xanax, this nurse sweetly said, “Well, we have something I can give you to make
you feel better. Would you like
that?” Mary said yes please. The nurse returned and helped her with
water. And then she said the most
incredible thing: “Would you like me to
sit with you until you feel better?” Her
demeanor seemed to have made all the difference, because Mary calmly said “No
thank you” and drifted off to sleep.
And then there are the visits from my friends! People who lead such incredibly busy lives,
taking the time to come and sit with me, bringing me fruit and tea, my two
favorites! Sometimes my PT/OT schedule
conflicts with visits, but that is the primary reason I’m here, so I have to do
the therapy. But people are even coming
back if they have missed me!!
Incredible. Our new interim
Rector, who I had not even met, has visited me several times. So generous with his time and prayers.
My granddaughter is two and obviously doesn’t understand why
I am not home or what this place is. But
she was SO happy to see me when she came to visit!! She hugged me and hugged me, saying “Grammy!!! Grammy!!!”
over and over. I can’t wait to get home
and be with her again.
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Can't wait to be home with her again!! |
These ordinary people and ordinary actions are really what
make a difference in our lives.
So there is a lot of hard stuff going on, but a lot of good
to balance it. Despite the hard stuff, I
am a very lucky person.

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